An Overview of Nix

Delve into Nix: the solution to dependency hell. Discover how its unique approach to package management and declarative language simplify software deployment, ensuring reproducibility and reliability.

🐦 The Nix Ecosystem

Works on Linux and macOS (x86 and ARM)

  • Nix - A build tool (or package manager)
  • Nix language - A domain-specific programming language to define packages
  • nixpkgs - The largest (Nix) repository (over 80,000 packages)
  • NixOS - A Linux distro leveraging Nix

🤔 The Problem

Using the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) is basically like using a single big virtual environment.

  • Binaries and libraries are stored in /usr/bin and /usr/lib, respectively.
  • There is no information on what versions of libraries are used or which build flags are enabled.
  • A package might break if you update a library.
  • For example in Ubuntu, you can’t just install another version of a package without risking breaking your system.
  • It makes reproducibility very hard.

Common solutions are virtual environments or container technologies like (Docker, Podman, or Flatpak).

  • They create isolated versions of these FHS environments. But this only fights the symptoms and not the illness.
  • Docker only solves the problem of how to ship these isolated environments, but not how to create them. For example, there are pre-built Python and Node.js images, but how do I get both programs in a single image?
  • Usually Dockerfiles are not reproducible as they rely on tools like apt, pip, etc. (This is the reason there are container registries instead of just uploading the Dockerfile)

Every piece of software is a graph of dependencies.

Loading graph...

Note For more complex programs it is easy to end up in the so-called dependency hell.

  • But with common approaches, nobody knows what the graph is.
  • To correctly build or deploy any piece of software you need to know all its dependencies

In an ideal world, you could just install as many versions of a package as you like and everything.

  • You might think this is easy, just postfix every executable or library with its exact version number (e.g. python3.9.3 or python3.10.4)
  • But there is still a lot of implicitness in this approach:
    • What are the dependencies and what are their versions? (e.g. there are also different versions of the C standard library)
    • Which build options were enabled?
    • For which platform is it built?
    • Which compiler and which other build tools were used?

To uniquely identify a piece of software we need to know its entire dependency graph.

💡 The Solution

Nix knows there entire dependency graph of every (Nix-)package. For example, to show the entire dependency graph of python run:

nix run nixpkgs#nix-tree nixpkgs#python3

Nix creates a hash of the entire build recipe of a package and stores the contents of that package at that path. For example:


In Nix, the build recipe is known as a derivation. A derivation describes how to build a package, including its dependencies, build steps, and environment. As these derivations are inconvenient to write by hand, Nix provides the Nix language, a domain-specific language designed to simplify the creation of derivations.

✅ Benefits of using Nix

  • Virtual environments but for all languages
  • One package manager to rule them all
  • Declarative developer environments (Infrastructure as code)
  • (Almost) fully reproducibility
  • Multiple versions of the same package (thanks to /nix/store)
  • Upgrading a package cannot break other applications (because of immutability)
  • Complete dependencies (in contrast to pip where you sometimes need to install non-Python dependencies manually)
  • No it-works-on-my-machine problem
  • Easily create your own software repository
  • Source deployment model with a cache
  • Thanks to nixpkgs
    • Access to almost all open-source packages
    • Very up-to-date packages

🔨 How it works

The main idea of Nix is to store software in isolation from each other in the so-called Nix Store. Software is built in a Sandbox in isolation from the host system by realizing a fully reproducible build instruction called a derivation. The Nix language is a domain-specific language designed to evaluate these derivations.

Loading graph...

🏪 The Nix Store

  • Database of packages located at /nix/store
  • The database is read-only (immutable)
  • You can think of the dependency relation between the packages as a graph
  • Packages are identified by a unique hash
  • A package depends on another package if it contains its hash
  • You can compose a selection of packages from the Nix Store into an environment (e.g. your home environment in ~/.nix-profile or a development shell with nix develop)
nix eval --raw nixpkgs#python310
nix-store --query --references /nix/store/40n9pd613v8fc3x39yjrgs1i7d4q8yl0-python3-3.10.4

📋 Derivation

  • Reproducible instructions for how to build a given package.
  • Hash of the derivation file is the hash of the package
  • If the build inputs change -> derivation changes -> hash of package changes
  • Realising the same derivation always results in the same build artifacts

📦 Sandbox

A build can access nothing (Nix) but the packages defined in its derivation.

❄️ Nix language

  • The Nix language is a domain-specific language to create derivations.
  • It’s basically JSON on steroids
  • Purely functional - no side-effects with the exception of derivation
  • Lazy evaluated - expressions are only evaluated if requested
  • Declarative, everything is an expression - there are no statements everything returns some kind of data
  • Everything is a single expression

You can evaluate a .nix file with:

nix eval --file example.nix

Or, you can try out expressions in the Nix repl:

nix repl

Here are some of Nix’s primitive data types:

# numbers

# strings & paths

# lists (note: no commas!)
[ 1 2 3 ]

# attribute sets
{ name = "Alice"; age = 1; }

You can define functions:

number: 2 * number

There is the let ... in expression to locally bind a value to a name:

  greet = name : "Hello, ${name}!";
  name = "Alice";
in greet name

You can use the with expression to bind the attributes of an attribute set into the local scope:

with { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; }; 
foo + bar

You can import other .nix files:

  lib = import ./lib.nix;
in lib.greet "Alice"

➡️ Transition Phase

Nix is currently (2022) introducing three new features:

  • New format called flakes
    • Unit for packaging Nix code in a reproducible and discoverable way
    • Can be a development environment, a package, a container image, a NixOS module, …
  • New commandline interface
    • way better UX/UI
    • old commands contain a dash
      • nix-build -> nix build
      • nix-env -> nix profile
      • etc.
  • Content-addressed derivations
    • Nix is currently input-addressed -> hash is computed from derivation (inputs)
    • In contrast content-addressed means that the hash is computed from the build outputs
      • Binary cached packages can be easily verified
      • Insignificant change in inputs (e.g. white space change) does not lead to another path in the store

We are already using the first two.

🚀 Usage

You can use Nix in three different ways.

⚡ Ad-hoc

Run a package without “installing” it:

nix run nixpkgs#python310

Get a temporary shell where the specified packages are available:

nix shell nixpkgs#{python310,hy}

❗ Imperative

Imperatively install packages into a profile, like other package managers:

nix profile install nixpkgs#hy

Think of it as a gate-way-drug into the Nix world, but it’s not idiomatic.

📝 Declarative

flake.nix - See section below


  • nixpkgs is a single Nix expression
  • basically a huge attribute set with 80,000 attributes (packages)


❄️ Flakes

  • Flakes are the unit for packaging Nix code in a reproducible and discoverable way
  • Somewhat like npm/Python packages, Rust crates or Go modules but language independent
    • Set of clearly defined inputs - flake.nix + flake.lock
    • Set of outputs - can be anything (dev env, application, container image, OS config, …)

🤏 A minimal Flake

This is the simplest flake you can write:

  inputs = { };

  outputs = { self }: { };

But it is not very useful :D

✨ What can flakes do?

Build docker images, run applications, run tests, define NixOS config …

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-21.11";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
    # Development Environments - nix develop
    devShells.default."<system>" = { ... };

    # Build any kind of output (application, static files) - nix build <name>
    packages."<system>"."<name>" = { ... };

    # Build container images - nix build .#container
    packages."<system>".container = dockerTools.streamLayeredImage { ... };

    # Run applications - nix run
    apps.default."<system>" = { ... };

    # Operating System Config - nixos-rebuild --flake .#<hostname>
    nixosConfigurations."<hostname>" = { ... };

    # home-manager configurations
    homeConfigurations."<name>" = { ... };

Let’s go through some examples!

👩‍💻 A basic development environment

We create a development environment providing us with Python 3.9, Node.js 16.x, Elm and the asciiquarium program:


with pkgs; mkShell {
  buildInputs = [

🐍 Create a Python environment with Nix

You can also use Nix to manage language-specific packages:


(pkgs.python310.withPackages (
  packages: with packages; [

🐋 Build containers with Nix

Why would you do this?

  • You can easily compose different images
  • Everything is cached
  • Same environment for local, CI, and prod
  • Usually much smaller images
pkgs: nix2container:

  pythonEnv = pkgs.python310.withPackages (packages: with packages; [ fastapi uvicorn ]);
with nix2container; buildImage {
  name = "python-container";
  tag = "latest";
  layers = [
    (buildLayer { deps = [ pythonEnv ]; })
  config.Cmd = [ "${pythonEnv}/bin/python" ./ ];

Here is an example of how you can build a tiny container with Nix - it’s only 220 kB!

Show example
pkgs: nix2container:

nix2container.buildImage {
  name = "tiny-container";
  tag = "latest";
  copyToRoot = [
    (pkgs.pkgsMusl.busybox.override {
      useMusl = true;
      enableStatic = true;
      enableMinimal = true;
      extraConfig = ''
        CONFIG_ASH y
  config.Cmd = [ "/bin/sh" ];

📦 How to create your own Nix package?

Below you can see how you can package a C program:

pkgs: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "libcurl-example";
  buildInputs = [ ];
  unpackPhase = "true";
  buildPhase = ''
    gcc ${./libcurl-example.c} $(curl-config --cflags) $(curl-config --libs) -o libcurl-example
  installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    cp libcurl-example $out/bin

👉️ Profiles and Environments

  • Nix profiles are symlinks on steroids.
  • They compose multiple packages into a single environment
> ls -l ~/.nix-profile

lrwxrwxrwx 65 root  1 Jan  1970 bin -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/bin
lrwxrwxrwx 65 root  1 Jan  1970 etc -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/etc
lrwxrwxrwx 69 root  1 Jan  1970 include -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/include
lrwxrwxrwx 65 root  1 Jan  1970 lib -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/lib
lrwxrwxrwx 69 root  1 Jan  1970 libexec -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/libexec
lrwxrwxrwx 60 root  1 Jan  1970 manifest.nix -> /nix/store/z6k1xi...-env-manifest.nix
lrwxrwxrwx 65 root  1 Jan  1970 opt -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/opt
lrwxrwxrwx 73 root  1 Jan  1970 rplugin.vim -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/rplugin.vim
lrwxrwxrwx 66 root  1 Jan  1970 sbin -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/sbin
lrwxrwxrwx 67 root  1 Jan  1970 share -> /nix/store/ljpgy8...-home-manager-path/share

~/.nix-profile itself is also just a symlink:

💻 NixOS

  • Fully declarative system state
  • Also manage system configuration (e.g. /etc) with Nix
  • Makes it easy to rollback or to reproduce the system

🐧 How to choose a Linux Distro

  • Stability of kernel (one reason so many people use Ubuntu)
  • Package manager
    • Stable release vs rolling-release (reason Arch Linux is popular)
    • Size/freshness of repository
  • Default desktop environment

✅ Advantages

  • Ubuntu has to be reinstalled every 2 years (LTS) or 6 months (repositories have old software)
  • nixpkgs is the largest and most fresh repo:
  • Declarative management of developer laptops: Shell configuration, VS Code, Chrome, Slack
  • Can be used with every desktop environment

❌ Disadvantages

  • Vastly different from every other distro (also biggest advantage)
  • -> Difficult to search if there are problems
  • e.g. some node/Python packages expect certain libraries to be installed
    • -> Is fault of node/Python packaging, not NixOS, but still a problem

📝 Some Nix Resources